Sunday, October 28, 2007

I dont think they would have cared

If you were a touring band oversees would you be curious if there were any of your countrymen in the audience. I'd ask every night but apparently none of the bands last nite were'nt interested. I felt bad though masquerading as a kiwi so I didnt respond to "Are you ready Auckland" etc. Not that I usually respond to things like that. Seems like an easy rally cry, I mean everyone one in the audience is from around the place your playing. Why not go out on a limb and yell something about vegetarianism or capital gains tax.

The show was really good, in that none of the bands made me want to leave. Rise against was the highlight of the night. You should go see them in Japan because thats where they are going next.

Killing time until my flight, I wonder if theres a place that sells burritos. Thanks Auckland, your mundane existence was a nice break from my own rote day to day.

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