Thursday, September 20, 2007

Well I'm an idiot

Anne has informed that the videos do work on picasaweb and I am an idiot. My favorite is the one of the Australian juking this guy in the corner.

People of america go to the bit torrent site of your choice and download all of the the chaser's war on everything you can. Its on public television here and unlike the satire by this guy it is incredibly funny. So check em out on youtube and download the episodes. Dont worry its publically funded so no ones going to come after you.

Things that are also better in Australia

Cars: Europe + America + China + Japan means alot of variety

Talk Shows: Rove is pretty funny and he is only on once a week so no filler. Also he is not old as the television itself which is nice.

Radio: Triple J Another public endeavour. All music No nickelback. No commercials and no Michelle Norris (accento sobre la i as in me shell norris)

Things Not So good

Breakfast: If you want to make a killing come to australia and open a bagel shop. Mail me a bagel I'll mail you vegimite. Probally totally illegal to mail food in to australia though.
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why not mike said...

I broke those links go here:

Nan said...

Look at you becoming a blogger. :c)

You know they do have toast in australia; i mean, it's no bagel, but it is also bread in a toasty, butter-able form. Plus they have tim tams which totally make up for the lack of bagels in my opinion.