Monday, September 24, 2007

The Weekend

Friday was AFL semi final day so I went to the bar with the trivia kids to watch Geelong play Collingwood. It was incredibly fun and crowded. There are a few photos posted at the photo gallery

Saturday I drove to Belgrave to see the Hot Lies at this little club called Ruby's Lounge The band was really good and the drive out there was another adventure in suburb navigation. Google maps thinks it knows the names of roads and usually its pretty good, but N Rd is actually North Rd there Google, no need to abbreviate. I think I am going to go back out there next Saturday to hike in the Dandegong "Mountains".

Friday, September 21, 2007

Im 85% American

Remember the Spark. They had these tests and you could be like 70% pure ("Have you ever licked another person's eyeball?"). Well I happened upon this report and its accompanying test. Its about civic literacy in the united states. I scored an 85% 51/60. The best University average from their recent study was Harvard at 69 percent. Not to brag but yes I'll brag I haven't had a class in this stuff since highschool thank you very much engineering degree.

Take the Test (No Wikipedia Cheaters!)

PS I went to the spark and they cleaned it all up and no more purity test, totally lame. Still has plenty of cliffs notes for you cheaters

Hey wait a minute

So I am a proponent of socializing US health care and I have my reasons but these articles by Tim Noah over at Slate present a much better researched argument than "c'mon" Start at the bottom and work your way up.

Health Care Primary Archive:
Aug. 2, 2007: "Giuliani's Tepid Health Reform"
July 5, 2007: "
Edwardscare: An Elegant, Laudable Trojan Horse"
July 1, 2007: "Health Costs Screw Business, Too"
June 19, 2007: "Obamacare: Better Than It Looks"
March 13, 2007: "A Short History of Health Care"
November 8, 2006: "Time To Socialize Medicine"
March 9, 2005: "Socialized Medicine, Part 2"
March 8, 2005: "The Triumph of Socialized Medicine"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Well I'm an idiot

Anne has informed that the videos do work on picasaweb and I am an idiot. My favorite is the one of the Australian juking this guy in the corner.

People of america go to the bit torrent site of your choice and download all of the the chaser's war on everything you can. Its on public television here and unlike the satire by this guy it is incredibly funny. So check em out on youtube and download the episodes. Dont worry its publically funded so no ones going to come after you.

Things that are also better in Australia

Cars: Europe + America + China + Japan means alot of variety

Talk Shows: Rove is pretty funny and he is only on once a week so no filler. Also he is not old as the television itself which is nice.

Radio: Triple J Another public endeavour. All music No nickelback. No commercials and no Michelle Norris (accento sobre la i as in me shell norris)

Things Not So good

Breakfast: If you want to make a killing come to australia and open a bagel shop. Mail me a bagel I'll mail you vegimite. Probally totally illegal to mail food in to australia though.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I finally posted photos over at picasa from the past couple weeks. I uploaded some videos but apparently they dont work like one would hope at picasa. Google bought youtube but nobody thought to synergize that into the picasa world.

Other technological issues going on my little world:

Thunderbird (an email client) doesn't get along with full hardware acceleration in windows. So no cursor affects for me.

Debian is really cool until an update breaks networking.

Boring computer stuff i know.

Theres going to be an election here in Australia with a wide variety of issues at stake. However this is what i just heard on the radio.

Opposition Position in Queensland: The government needs to do more to educate people about the danger of throwing rocks at cars.

I think that could become a consensus issue.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Less than a week

So in less than a week I will be at the MCG watching Veee doo ka as Dom would say and his Soccer Roos taking on Argentina in an international friendly. I already went to a sold out AFL game at the MCG and its was insane. A coach and player for Essendon were retiring and it was there last game. If you hang on my posts with bated breath I apologize for not updating. Work has been super busy. We have been pulling Saturdays too. so weekends have been about recovery and not tourism lately.