Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss or I should have stopped reading

"If I don't know it, its not true."

That seems to have been a Republican and Other Right Wing enclave tactic to ignore things that don't coalesce into their little world view. A few examples from last weeks news.

Sex is Bad therefore Contraception is Bad. Most people think abortion is something to be avoided so lets equate contraception with abortion to try and keep women from having sex.

Fact Required to be Ignored: Oral Contraception doesn't abort anything. Its explained in this satirical post at slate.

Oral contraception does three things prevents ovulation prevents fertilization and prevents implantation. The last one is used to call it abortion. To make that case you have to believe that Oral contraception fails at step one and at step two but is 100% at step three.

As you know, the risk that oral contraception will prevent implantation of an embryo is purely theoretical. There is no documented case of such a tragedy, since we have no way to verify conception inside a woman's body prior to implantation without causing the embryo's death. Even theoretically, the risk is vanishingly small, since the primary effect of oral contraception is to prevent ovulation, and the secondary effect is to prevent fertilization.
Argument: Oil drilling is good for America we need to do it. Conservation such as step to increase fuel mileage is mockable.

Fact required to be ignored: The bottle neck in supply is in gasoline production not in crude supplies.

Oil companies make money turning crude Oil into products we buy. Oil executives make money when Oil companies stock prices go up. If increased drilling and production would raise profits oil companies would be doing it in the lands they already have leases to. The prospect of new leases would raise stock prices soon but not do much to the price of gasoline especially in the near term. Read a well formulated explanation here

Argument: Obama is to famous and popular with the media. This is leading to irrational exhuberance instead of looking at who is better which would lead people to McCain.

Fact ignored: McCain has gottten a pass on all the dumb things he has said because he used to be cool to the press back in 2000.

McCain is a media darling and everybody loves him just look at his IMDB list of appearances as noted by TPM.

No long example here just watch the daily show and read talking points memo. They catch most of the horrible things that come out of his mouth, rape is funny so is killing Iranians and verbally abusing his wife.

Speaking of funny look at this. Paris Hilton lampoons McCain ad.

1 comment:

markwoodworth said...

Recent news about the GOP/VP and family tends to validate your comments.