Monday, May 12, 2008

andlinux + amarok = Awesome

So I needed to work on my thesis in windows. I like music and amarok is the best player ever. So now i have amarok 1.4 in windows thanks to andlinux.

Heres a tutorial for people who want to do this and have any idea what im talking about.

install andlinux

restart windows

disable windows firewall settings on the new CoTAP network device

add Xming.exe and pulseaudio.exe to the whitelist in windows defender/firewall

restart windows
follow guide here to add a non root user

restart windows

run synaptic from the andlinux launcher

add medibuntu to apt sources

install alsa amarok amarokengines-xine xine-ffmpeg

do other cool stuff you want like install more stuff or get rid of kde stuff you dont need

run a terminal

launch amarok

Optional (run the kde kicker launch stuff from there)

If anyone can get amarok's systray icon to appear in the kicker and not in a floating window let me know

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