Saturday, January 26, 2008

On apple eating...

I just discovered that I have been eating apples poorly for years. I had been eating around the circumference once then repeating passes eating apple flesh closer to the poles on each pass. I had an epiphany that instead of circumnavigating the globe I should focus on fully devouring one hemisphere first. This technique leaves most of the apple encased in its skin preventing the oxidation that usally keeps me from finishing apples.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What the Hell happened to

So stopped being a thing which means that scrooglyric stopped working in amarok. This is the best lyric fetcher ever and you should switch to linux just to discover whether or not your lyrics intereptation is correct for that song that makes you think about her or him. Maybe the artist was actualy singing about a volkswagen coupe  and not a hot red head prostitute. If its a screamo song your probally missing all the sweet vampire symbolism. 

Anyway I hope that this post helps the googlers out there trying to fix their broken amarok. 
If your scrooglyrics script fails to reach the server you need the new and improved googlyrics by the same guy on

Heres the new link

As opposed to the old and busted

By my calculation this blogpost may helpthe 295-46-1 = 248 people who downloaded the old script but have not downloaded the new one.  Thanks to ultra and his buddies for perl wizardry.

Google Bomb!

amarok script lyrics
scroogle scrooglyrics error
broken failed to reach server

amarok script lyrics
scroogle scrooglyrics error
broken failed to reach server

Friday, January 11, 2008

Hack the Planet!

 Or at least your local bar. After paying if you unplug a shuffel board game like this one the gate in the middle stays down. Its operated by solenoid I guess rather than a dead man elecrotromagnet like on nuclear control rods. $1 gets you shuffle puck all night.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Man I dont think he going to help us

Funny thing about me: I actually fucking know shit! Not like these goombas trying to weasel their way into the White House. I practically wrote the book on collapsing bridges, inflation, and the working poor, fuck-o. I even got a degree in nuclear engineering or some shit. You know how easy I could swoop down right now like a guardian angel and solve all your fucking problems? Snap. Bam. Do it in my fucking sleep. Just fucking try me.
-- Jimmy Carter

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This blew my mind

Naked Capitalism points to a summary of the report by Reuters here, but you can go straight to the original text, albeit after jumping through some registration hoops, here. And it's worth it, because there are plenty more gems to be mined.

For example, the authors of the report also conclude that the overriding emphasis, on the part of all players in financial markets, on maximizing short term results, might not serve everyone's long term interests.

In plain English, it is not clear that existing compensation mechanisms effectively ensure that traders take into account the long-term interests of the bank for which they work -- i.e. its survival....

This leads to a second, somewhat disquieting, reason: in the financial industry, in contrast with other businesses, there is a point beyond which increased competition is not stability-enhancing, but rather potentially destabilizing. Heightened competition is beneficial in terms of providing a better service and eliminating poor performers in the industry; however, past a certain point -- difficult to identify -- more competition means more, and perhaps socially undesirable, risk-taking.

This is almost like saying that capitalism, as it is currently constructed, doesn't work.

At some point competition jumps the shark and makes people do stupid things that bad for the group in order to survive. I thought this was explained to everyone in A Beautiful Mind.    Anyway that was from a Salon blog post here about a report released by Moodys a credit rating agency

Speaking of competition I dont know who it was but someone was checking out Connections on DVD at the library. Since its now break time I am left as the only technology histroy nerd on campus. Series 1 of the show is older than me, I don't know what season ( Element of {1,2,3} ) I used to watch on TLC when it was THE LEARNING CHANNEL. Clinton and Stacey need to be fired and replaced by academics in cable knit sweaters once more.