Friday, December 28, 2007

Go See ..

Juno. It was funny. Go Tomorrow. Buy the soundtrack. Eat Cheesecake.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Things my brother said

My brother is so entertaining, heres a sampling of the gems he has dropped since Ive been home.

" If people want to do something patriotic they'd shoot their parents in the head when they turned 70. "

It is a succinct argument relating to a nightly news feature on the 2.1 kids/per lady birthrate we are experiencing. Ill keep you updated as more be come available.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

By the way

If you hadn't heard I sprained my ankle severly.  Its gone from grapefruit to tennis ball size in a week.  I have been subsisting on the kindness of friends who drive all the way out here to pick me up on their way to dinner.

The injury has prevented anything else from occuring so I am  not very interesting good bye.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

oh your god its december

Half a month flew by there didnt it. Its 3 am and in six hours I am putting a turkey in the oven. Right now its resting comfortably in the brackish solution I prepared earlier this evening. Tommorow is second Thanksgiving in Blacksburg a tradition I stole form Cincinnati. Credit lays at 33 E. Alot of things I'm thankful for are in Ohio.
     No one is getting any presents from me.  Id like to say because of my principles but it is because I am poor.  The existence of the blog and my destitution have a common origin in my wanderlust.
     I finally saw BRAND NEW on thursday after six years of Jude Law and the semester abroad.  Ill see ya later and remember to tell all those english boys you meet about me.